Forbus Hill

Forbus Hill Apartments in Dutchess County, in the heart of New York's Hudson Valley, where convenience intersects with history and tradition.
Forbus Hill Apartments are nestled between river and mountains. Built in 1964 and recently updated, Forbus Hill Apartments can be found in five two-story buildings in a park-like setting within walking distance of downtown Poughkeepsie.
Forbus HIll Apartment's carpeted one-bedroom and two-bedroom units all include refrigerator, dishwasher and stove, a deck, and free heat and hot water. The buildings are cable-ready, and parking is plentiful. Storage units are also available, as is 24-hour emergency service.
New York City is just 75 miles away. Metro North and the Taconic parkway connects residents to New York City and drivers can take nearby Route 9 to New York's other historic villages, including Hyde Park, Rhinebeck or cross the Hudson River to the New York State Thruway.
Looking for your place in the Valley? Forbus Hill may be it!
Forbus Hill
131 Forbus Street
Poughkeepsie NY, 12601